“What makes a child gifted and talented may not always be good grades in school, but a different way of looking at the world and learning”
I painted this to celebrate my twinnies starting formal schooling for the first time. I never thought this day would happen!!
I struggled very much in their first year of babyhood. I was more fortunate than other multiple mums in that my babies were born at term, and I didn’t need to go through the torment of having my children in special care nurseries, or needing invasive ventilation. But I did go through a difficult patch with post-natal depression and needed to be hospitalised for several weeks, which was rough for the rest of my family. Even though I got better, it still took me another year or so, with ongoing reviews by my psychiatrist and medication adjustment before I felt like my old self again. Unfortunately the medications made me put on a lot of weight, and I ended up heavier than when I was pregnant with full-term twins.
Whatever it is, I am now in a content place in my life. My twins are in proper big-girl school now, and are thriving and healthy. *OH is very much enjoying being a father. And I am (usually) full of energy doing lots of things, both at work and at home. OH and I have worked out a good division of household duties that minimises resentment.
*OH - other half
I am so excited that my kids have now gone to proper school. It marks the start of their blooming and learning as individuals. I am also happy that Australian schools teach in a very different way, in that there is much emphasis on lateral thinking, imagination and creativity. Possibly more emphasis on self-discipline would be welcome, but I think it’s a great sign that the kids always look forward to going to school, instead of fearing it.
This school year’s major highlights so far were:
a visit from the local fire brigade
the appearance of a koala in one of their school ground trees
an excursion to the local fruit store, the purchase of fruit and making fruit salad in class
the setting up of a Year 1 restaurant for parents to attend
visits from several book authors
the creation of their own class story book
chapel presentations
a lecture by fire brigade about fire ants
the junior school sports day
their class form teacher getting married
And we are now going to start the final term of their year in Year 1! A cliche for sure, but time sure does fly.
Dear Teacher
Dear Teacher
I know you're rather busy
First day back, there's just no time
A whole new class of little ones
And this one here is mine
I'm sure you have things covered
And have done this lots before
But my boy is very little
He hasn't long turned four
In his uniform this morning
He looked so tall and steady
But now beside your great big school
I’m not quite sure he’s ready
Do you help them eat their lunch?
Are you quick to soothe their fears?
And if he falls and hurts his knee
Will someone dry his tears?
And what if no-one plays with him?
What if someone’s mean?
What if two kids have a fight
And he’s caught in between?
You’re right, I have to leave now
It’s time for him to go
I’m sure he’ll learn so much from you
Things that I don’t know
Yes, I’m sure they settle quickly
That he’s fine now without me
I know he has to go to school
It’s just so fast, you see
It seems like just a blink ago
I first held him in my arms
It’s been my job to love, to teach
To keep him safe from harm
So, when I wave goodbye in a moment
And he turns to walk inside
Forgive me if I crumple
Into tears of loss and pride
I know as I give him one more kiss
And watch him walk away,
That he’ll never again be wholly mine
As he was before today.
— Emma Robinson —
Dear Parent,
I understand that you are scared
to wave your child goodbye
and leave him in a teacher’s hands
don’t worry if you cry!
I’m used to weeping parents
It’s hard to leave I know.
But it’s time to share him (just a bit)
To help him learn and grow.
Let me reassure you
That I’ll give your child my best
I’ll wipe his tears, soothe his fears
And change his dirty vest!
If your darling child is full of cold
I’ll blow their nose all day
Just like you, I’ll care for them
In a special way.
I’ll treat him like I would my own
I’ll catch him from a fall and
If there is ANY problem
I’ll be sure to tell you all.
It’s true he’ll grow to love us
They’ll talk of school a lot
It doesn’t mean they hate you
And that you should lose the plot!
I’ll tell you a secret..
That when your child is here
They talk to me as much of you
Of this please have no fear.
You’ll always be their mother
Whilst teachers come and go
To them you are their number one
This I truly know.
Soon you’ll see some changes
In your little girl or boy
They’ll become more independent
And to see this, it’s a joy!
I’ll teach them all I have to give
To share, climb and to write
But to you they safely will return
To tuck them in at night.
With love from a teacher…
— Leonie Roberts —